I was editing scenes for class and thought about the ice caps melting and remembered “The 11th Hour”.
I saw this a couple weeks ago and wanted to tell everyone to see it, but I didn’t, because I forgot to. So if you have not seen the movie, I strongly recommend it. It is another powerful message about the state of our environment following the very important, “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Even the Conservatives seem to be listening, now.
I dream of driving home in my electric car and plugging it in to an outlet powered by wind and solar power. I may be an old man when that happens and if that is true, I am hopeful…
Hi all! Darcy here. Just want to thank you, first off, for visiting the site! I am tremendously overwhelmed and excited about it all at the same time. This has been in the works for some time and it finally came to fruition! What a pleasure it is for me to share all the fun we’ve been up to!
The site was created by Dan Kern with some help and a lot of input from me.
We spent the better part of 24 hours bonding and building this fine site over the weekend!
A huge shout out goes to Dan!!
As well, this site was created by a lot of you. The students of past, present and future. The special guests who generously donated their time and talents in the name of the art. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you’ll come back to visit often!! We are students for life!!
In the mean time, enjoy the site, spend some time with the wonderful talent that graces The Acting Studio each month and share it with friends who may be interested.
Be sure to subscribe to the rss feed found below in the tabs! Leave your e-mail and receive updates about the blog and new scenes being added each month!!!!
Much appreciation and thanks,
Darcy Fehr
sand·box (sand-bäks′) noun : a box containing sand for people to play in.