welcome to the sandbox
The Acting Studio Winnipeg

Scene Work: The Owl and the Pussy Cat

Director: Darcy Fehr
DOP: Josh Marr
Editor: Jean-Jacques Javier


Scene Work: Crazy, Stupid, Love

Director: Darcy Fehr
DOP: Josh Marr
Editor: Jean-Jacques Javier


Scene Work: Black Swan

Director: Darcy Fehr
DOP: Josh Marr
Editor: Jean-Jacques Javier


Scene Work: The Notebook

Director: Darcy Fehr
DOP: Josh Marr
Editor: Jean-Jacques Javier


Scene Work: Margot at the Wedding

Director: Darcy Fehr
DOP: Josh Marr
Editor: Jean-Jacques Javier


Josh Marr – Cinematographer

click on an actor’s or filmmaker’s name to view their work: